Friday, January 6, 2012

Why does she tell me she still loves me?

my g/f broke up with me after 1 1/2 years of living together. She is such a simple woman. She always talked about getting married. She never wanted to party, was always tired. Hated to be around drunk people. Never wanted to go out to dinner. things were a little rough, but nothing I thought we couldn't work thru. I asked her to marry me before she moved out. she said thats not what she wants now. Now that she moved out she is unstoppable. She doesn't know if she wants to get married, and all she wants to do is have fun and party. I helped her find a new place, and made sure she had everything she needed. She tells me she still loves me, but we are two different people. When she lets her guard down, we are spitting images of each other. I told her i would give her all the space she needs. it has only been 3 weeks, but why the wild streak? Thats not who she is. I stopped calling her, but when she needs something, she calls 10 times. What is she thinking?

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