Sunday, January 1, 2012

Should I stop wearing skinny jeans? (pics)?

i definately think you should stop wearin them. i think you should be original and creative and come up with your own style and stop dressing the same way that so many other people are dressing. If you see somethign that you like and its fashionable to YOU since the very very very very first time you saw it then ok wear it. But if you saw mad other people rock it and then you started wearing skinny jeans cuz that what "the guys" are wearing, then thats like **** riding. Especially if you make a point to only get skinny jeans now. Two years ago everybody was wearing their jeans regular or baggy and they liked it, it looked good, and they could run in them and move and be comfortable. Now some artist starts wearing skinny jeans and its like everybody wants to copy his style. Why?? The reason everyone watches Pharell and other ppl is because they are UNIQUE. they do things that nobody else is doing. You always look the best when you rock your OWN style not somebody elses. I ask my hubby and just other guys i know who are my age (20) like ppl who i know and respect cuz they r very real and they always say that that **** looks dumb. Before everybody wore what they liked. Probably the only real staple thing for dudes was a white T. I remember when it was a fad for the girls to wear the bubble jackets. I never even realy liked those. But I got one. And I felt mad fake like ok I'm not comfortable in this thing and its not like somebody's FORCING me to wear who am i wearin it for?

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